Sunday, February 12, 2012


Rating: 3.5

As God's creatures, we live and formed the habit. Likewise with your financial life. Your financial life today, is the result of behaviors that you do repeatedly. Though financial lives have an enormous impact on life as a whole. Lots of people are trapped in the financial mistakes of the same.
If you can identify and eliminate these mistakes, this is the first step towards your financial independence. Here are the errors in the finance you need to avoid:

1. Expenditures Based on Conscience
Largest source of personal debt are expenditures that exceed the things that you need. Do not go shopping when you're feeling bored at home, because you'll buy things that you do not really need / you rarely use. If you have a tendency to always follow your heart, try to make a thorough plan in respect of goods which do you need to buy and the items you need to avoid. If you really want something, you can come back another day - basically be patient when shopping.

2. Techniques tempted by the Seller
Large companies try many tricks to persuade us to buy stuff we do not really need. Yes, that's marketing. For example, do not be tempted by items that are discounted up to 70%; not for sale the goods are then you think that price is a very good price and you have to buy it. Do not be tempted by the promotion of buy 2 get 1 free; otherwise look at the things you have today, begin to count how many of these items that you rarely use. If you feel uncomfortable by the behavior of the salesman, go away soon - If you really want the item, you can come again sometime.

3. Never Less Check prices
For certain items such as insurance or mortgage, for example, companies taking advantage of customer loyalty by providing high price. Reluctance of consumers to switch to another company is in English is called customer inertia. For example, people think too much red tape they have to pass if you want to move the mortgage. And if they want to go through the process, ie switching to another mortgage company that is cheaper, they will save a considerable amount of money. I took a parable: if you go shopping, would you buy an item that actually has a quality that is not much different, but has 20% more expensive?

4. Do not Have Plans In Savings
It is true that in the age of 20 is difficult for you to save money, because usually you have been freed from the  responsibilities of parents and your income is spent for the purposes of everyday life. You can only start saving you felt after earning enough. But if that time comes, you find yourself already at the age of the 50's with no savings at all. Saving money requires an attitude of self-compulsion. If you are forced to save from an early age even though there are not too large, it will gradually become a habit, and you will be more productive future. Your financial condition was guaranteed to be much better in the future.Force of at least 10% of your income set aside for savings.

5. Making Property For The Purpose of Life
Many of the billionaires who own the properties are never satisfied. They always want more and more. The most painful thing they are if they have to spend money. Money and wealth is not a bad thing, but they will be like that if we love him more than anything else in life. Life is not just about collecting money, you need to maintain a balance between money and other aspects of your life to another.In the, I give bonus eBooks: Balance In Life Success Coaching.

6. Leaving Money Ruin Friendships
A big mistake if you rely on your friends to solve the financial problems you face, especially if you make it a habit. Many cases of friendship are broken just because of money problems. Do not stained friendship you have built with great difficulty with the affairs of borrowing money.

7. Do not Have Your Money Notes
Many people do not know how much money they have spent or debt that they have; that they realize is they have an empty wallet at the end of the month. It is better if you start recording your expenses so you can better control the more items which need to be saved.Good financial condition began to realize your current financial condition.

8. Obtaining an Adverse Credit Rating
Late in repaying the loan to the bank will make you exposed to interest and penalties, but in fact the main problem is the more you will be exposed to an adverse impact on your credit rating (credit rating). As a result you will be more difficult to obtain credit in the future and it is very expensive, because it involves your good name.I have a colleague who had been blacklisted by one bank credit card provider. He is currently difficult to apply for credit pemilikian (mortgage) to any bank. Why did this happen? The banks have a strong network with each other, so if you are blacklisted by one bank, then your name will spread to other banks. Avoid late to pay less credit not pay at all. If you are having trouble, try to come up well to the concerned bank to discuss your financial problems.

9. Borrowing Money With A High Interest
If you are forced to borrow money from financial institutions, ensure that you get the best rates or lower. Avoid borrowing money with interest rates above 17%, especially from credit card loans.

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